There are unique challenges for homeowners that are considering stained or leaded glass for their bathroom. Most new construction projects require extensive permitting and have building code requirements. All of the windows in the home have to pass inspection. In addition to building code and inspections, adding stained or leaded glass to bathrooms also pose moisture and cleaning concerns. Most US municipals also have regulations regarding bathroom glass safety, requiring windows that address all of these concerns. Stained glass is also difficult to install under normal circumstances, adding another challenge for homeowners looking into glass investments for their property.
Our Proprietary Stained Glass Process for Addressing Homeowner Concerns
Custom Stained Glass has solved all of these issues with our unique process which has also made your contractor’s job a lot easy in regards to installation. Our proprietary system starts with manufacturing leaded glass with all traditional handcrafted methods to provide superior authenticity and design. Once completed, the leaded glass panel is taken to a glass factory where it is sealed in between two panes of tempered safety glass. This creates what’s known in our industry as a hermetically sealed insulated glass unit. The triple-pane unit is then installed into a vinyl window frame of your choice. The window frame will have a nail fin attached to the window for easy installation in new construction projects. For remodel projects where the siding isn’t being replaced, the nail fin can be easily removed for installation.
The seal used for each leaded glass triple-pane unit is a butyl composite. We’ve been using this composite material for the same sealing purposes for over 25 years and have never had a single seal error. This sealing method guarantees that no moisture will ever enter the spacing inside the panes of glass. The end result offers an easy-to-install product for the contractor that also addresses all building code regulations.
The Benefits of Hermetically Sealed Insulated Leaded Glass Units for Homeowners
In addition to enjoying peace of mind knowing your leaded glass meets building code regulations, this hermetically sealed insulated leaded glass unit offers great benefits for homeowners. The leaded glass will always look as beautiful as the first day you installed it. Since tempered safety glass is placed on both sides of your leaded glass, cleaning is made easy. Stained glass typically requires a pH-neutral cleaning solution with no ammonia in order to prevent damage. Soft, non-abrasive clothes are also usually required in order to prevent scratches. Homeowners can clean their sealed leaded glass units just like any other window in their home, on both the inside and the outside.
This is the ideal method of installation for baths and showers. Even if jets from the shower spray the glass, it won’t harm it or cause condensation to form on the inside of the leaded glass unit.
The Shipping and Installation Process
These windows are shipped directly to the job site within two to four weeks or ordering. All of our windows are shipped in a fully protected crate designed specifically for fragile item shipping. Anyone who is capable of installing vinyl windows will be able to install one of our windows. The frames available for all of our custom leaded glass windows are white, tan, and adobe (clay). Other colors are also available upon request.
Work with the Nation’s Leading Custom Stained Glass Studio
Custom Stained Glass is almost two decades of experience when it comes to manufacturing and shipping beautiful leaded glass windows. We’re here to provide effective products that help address all the common concerns of installing stained glass in your home. All of our leaded glass windows meet new construction building code and provide easy installation for any general contractor.
If you have any questions regarding our process or hermetically sealed insulated leaded glass units, please contact us!